
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

HowTo Uninstall RVSkin

This is the duty of root/admin to do by running the following command.

perl /root/rvadmin/

if for some reason RVskin was installed in a different location, change the path accordingly.

To complete this, restart cpanel:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/cpanel restart

How to change your hostname with SSH

If you’ve worked in the admin world for any length of time, you’ve probably run into an instance where you needed to change the hostnames on your server to match some corporate naming standard, but you can’t have downtime either.

Changing the Hostname

First, you must change the config file that controls this. The actual file and its location will vary across distributions. In the Redhat derivatives, the file to modify is /etc/sysconfig/network so vi this file and change the line that reads HOSTNAME=

Sunday, November 3, 2013

How do I install Installatron on DirectAdmin

The overall Installatron installation process is quite simple and super streamlined for the industry famous Installatron. Simply, follow the step-by-step installation process and you’ll quickly and easily have Installatron installed on your DirectAdmin control panel:

    Login to your DirectAdmin via SSH as root
    From the SSH command prompt run the following line:
        cd /home/ && mkdir installatron && cd installatron &&
        wget &&
        chmod +x &&
        ./ –f