
Sunday, June 23, 2019

cPanel EasyApache 4 Installing Redis and Redis PHP extension

Installing the Redis daemon:
for CentOS 6/RHEL 6
rpm -ivh
rpm -ivh
yum -y install redis --enablerepo=remi --disableplugin=priorities
chkconfig redis on
service redis start

for CentOS 7/RHEL 7
rpm -ivh
rpm -ivh
yum -y install redis --enablerepo=remi --disableplugin=priorities
systemctl enable redis
systemctl start redis


Sunday, June 9, 2019

How To Secure Apache


Let’s Encrypt is a Certificate Authority (CA) that provides an easy way to obtain and install free TLS/SSL certificates, thereby enabling encrypted HTTPS on web servers. It simplifies the process by providing a software client, Certbot, that attempts to automate most (if not all) of the required steps. Currently, the entire process of obtaining and installing a certificate is fully automated on both Apache and Nginx. In this tutorial, you will use Certbot to obtain a free SSL certificate for Apache on Ubuntu 18.04 and set up your certificate to renew automatically.
This tutorial will use a separate Apache virtual host file instead of the default configuration file. We recommend creating new Apache virtual host files for each domain because it helps to avoid common mistakes and maintains the default files as a fallback configuration.


To follow this tutorial, you will need:

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Apache vs Nginx

Web server is essential for all server to serve the content over the internet. There are a lot of web servers available in the market. The two Major web servers are Apache and Nginx. A lot of people are confusing themselves about choosing the one among both of them. In this article, I am going to compare Apache and Nginx which will give the answer to your confusion. Both of these web servers can’t be replaced by each other. They have their uniqueness. You have to choose any of the web server based on the requirement. In this article, we will also see the nginx vs apache difference.

Here: I am going to compare Apache and Nginx with following factors

Connection Handling architecture
Static vs Dynamic content
Distributed vs Centralized configuration
File vs URI based interpretation
Using both of them together.
Apache was initially created by Robert McCool. The year of creation was 1995. After that, Apache has been developed by Apache software foundation from 1999. The actual organization is HTTP web server. But the foundation is now referred with the name of Apache. The Product name overrides the organization name. It becomes very famous after its launch since then the Apache foundation is benefiting from the documentation and integration with software. Apache is the first choice for many server administrators due to its power, compatibility and support for many platforms. The Apache is easily extensible through loading the dynamic module. Apache process many interpreted languages and it does not use any other external software for that.

How To Install Apache on CentOS 7

Apache HTTP server is the most popular web server in the world. It is a free, open-source and cross-platform HTTP server providing powerful features which can be extended by a wide variety of modules. The following instructions describe how to install and manage the Apache web server on your CentOS 7 machine.
Apache is available in the default CentOS repositories and the installation is pretty straight forward. On CentOS and RHEL the Apache package and the service is called httpd. To install the package run the following command:
sudo yum install httpd

Once the installation is completed, enable and start the Apache service:
sudo systemctl enable httpd
sudo systemctl start httpd